St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


Logo for American Society for 生物化学 and Molecular Biology

The 生物化学 program is about fearless explorations of wonders at the interface of biology and chemistry.

在…的指导下 Dr. 小宁张, the program provides a basic understanding of living systems that emphasizes the molecular and cellular aspects of biology.

The 生物化学 program is accredited by the American Society for 生物化学 and Molecular Biology. All of our 生物化学 graduates have achieved ASBMB certification, an assurance that they have the knowledge and understanding of core competencies in biochemistry and molecular biology. The majority of our graduates have achieved certification with distinction, placing them in the top 13% of 生物化学 graduates nationwide who have participated ASBMB certification exams.


From research in the lab to presenting at a conference to STEM outreach, senior 生物化学 major Erin McNell finds that a Bonas education goes well beyond the classroom.

Why choose 生物化学?

研究设备 & 设施

A new biotechnology and molecular genetics lab equipped with nanodrop spectrophotometer, 各种离心机, ThermoCyclers (including real-time), DNA, RNA and protein electrophoresis equipment, 凝胶成像系统, 细胞培养罩, confocal and regular fluorescent microscopes, 等. provides the technical component for the program and affords research opportunities for the students during their junior and/or senior years. The final year of study features independent laboratory research.

Career Paths for 生物化学 专业

Advances in the area of biochemistry and molecular biology have led to expanded job opportunities in the general field of biotechnology. The 生物化学 major is of special interest to students with a strong science and mathematics background who are preparing for graduate school, 医学院, 牙科学校, 医药学校, 法学院, or employment in a biotech company.


Erin McNell, Class of 2020, is now a Ph.D. candidate in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences Program, University of NC, Chapel Hill. Meet Erin and other 生物化学 alumni.



The 生物化学 program offers a B.S. 在生物化学.

Bachelor of Science 在生物化学

The major 在生物化学 provides the student with a basic understanding of living systems that emphasizes the molecular and cellular aspects of biology.

Degree requirements and a four-year plan for the 生物化学 major

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