St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


B.A. & B.S. 学位选择有助于集中学生的兴趣

B.A. 和B.S. 健康与社会 majors are designed to provide students preparing for healthcare professions with experience of both the humanities and social sciences, while also incorporating most of the prerequisite courses required by graduate programs in health care.

通过结合生物学课程, 心理学, 社会学和其他学科, 这些专业为学生提供了跨学科的人类健康视角, 以及健康的社会和心理影响, 疾病和保健.

The humanities and social-science coursework is specifically tailored to the interests and needs of students preparing for careers in healthcare, 作为从业者或其他角色:

  • 通过他们在心理学课程上的经验, 健康与社会 majors develop a much richer understanding of the inner workings of their future patients’ minds, including factors that could bear on the development of medical conditions and factors that could impede treatment regimens.
  • The philosophy courses in the Society content area of our 健康与社会 major foster students’ moral and intellectual development, and enable them to better appreciate the difficult moral questions that patients and physicians grapple with in making treatment decisions.
  • The 社会学 courses in the Society content area provide students with a better perspective on the complex social forces that affect access to good health care and effective follow-through on treatment regimens.


一个学生在看显微镜Preparation for medical school and other healthcare professions programs has traditionally emphasized core courses in the natural sciences, and many students applying to medical schools major in 生物学 or one of the other natural sciences. But more and more medical schools recognize the importance of having more grounding in the humanities and social sciences.

Coursework in the humanities prepares students for the multi-layered human and social circumstances of providing medical care, improves the cultural competence of physicians serving ethnically and culturally diverse populations, 并促进医生的个人和道德发展.

A better grounding in the humanities may also protect physicians from a gradual loss of empathy that can distance physicians from patients’ own experiences of illness, 这被认为是导致医生倦怠的原因之一.

Higher levels of empathy on the part of physicians has been shown to correlate with higher patient satisfaction and improved healthcare outcomes, suggesting that distancing may actually compromise physicians’ effectiveness.

St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 offers a diversity of courses that explore health care from the perspectives of philosophy, 神学, 心理学, 社会学, 政治科学, 生物学, 化学, 以及其他学科. Our 健康与社会 major includes both a core of required foundational courses and electives so students can choose which aspects of health care interest them most.

B.A. 和B.S. options for the 健康与社会 major provide students even more flexibility in tailoring the major to their own interests. All SBU courses feature small sections that provide students the opportunity for personalized instruction and guidance from faculty who love to teach.



简而言之, our 健康与社会 majors give students beginning careers in healthcare a richer and more mature understanding of the many dimensions of human life and society that will bear on their efforts to provide quality health care to as many people as possible.


理学学士(理学学士.S.) major caters to the interests of students who would like a more thorough foundation in the natural sciences, potentially with an eye towards pursuing graduate studies in a healthcare professions program.

学位要求和B的四年计划.S. 健康和社会


文学士(学士学位.A.) major caters to the interests of students who would like to get a basic foundation in the natural sciences relevant to human health and disease while placing more emphasis in their studies on social and philosophical topics.

学位要求和B的四年计划.A. 健康和社会

  • 有兴趣成为一名医生?

    有兴趣成为医生的健康与社会专业学生, 并且还没有注册B的学生.S./M.D. 或B.S/D.O学位课程通过St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学的方济会医疗保健专业项目, 必须以传统方式申请并被医学院录取吗.

    如果你对此有疑问, be sure to speak with the director of the 健康与社会 program or with one of the university’s pre-professional advisers.

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